On A Winning Tweak

You’ll have heard me talk before about the value of testing and today I’m going to share a few examples…

REAL WORLD examples of the difference a change in the copy, or in the marketing approach, can make.

And thanks to DCS Labs for sharing a few:

Personalise your standard contact form or enquiry form for a specific product or service. Instead of people having to fill in a comment box, you write copy for the reader’s message to you and just include a few field boxes within the “message” so people can fill in their details. Result: Conversions increase 25-40 per cent

Include a free delivery or shipping offer so people are not faced with an ADDITIONAL charge once they’ve put an item in their online shopping basket or begun to place a single order. Result: Reduced the number of shoppers quitting the order process; increased sales.

Add the words “It’s Free” next to a ‘sign-up’ button. It reminds people that there’s NO charge, it’s free. Result: One site experienced a 28 per cent increase in conversions as a result of adding these two words.

Tell people (specifically) how quick and easy your sign up process is. People like to know it’s not going to be long or complicated. Result: 30 per cent increase in success rate against the control version copy.

Use more RED text in your copy. It may not appear to fit in well with your brand colours but there’s something about the colour red which causes people to sit up, take notice of what you’re saying and act upon it. Result: In one example, THREE times as many conversions (313%) when red text used in the headline instead of blue.

Testing proves what “theory” cannot.

Testing sometimes proves the “gurus” WRONG.

Testing (if done properly) does NOT lie.

Testing helps you get the BEST results.

Testing can make a HUGE difference to your conversion rates and sales.

Testing can put you onto a winning tweak.

If you could improve your persuasion performance by five per cent, 10 per cent or 20 per cent… how much would that be worth to you?

Worth thinking about?

Let me know of any successes you have.

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