How Transition Copy Works
“Transition copy?”, I hear you ask…
Yes, it’s a real thing. It exists.
You’ve probably seen it without realising what it is.
A bit like a townie walking through the countryside, seeing and enjoying plants and flowers without really knowing what they are.
A bit like wandering along a coastal shore and not knowing what the cliffs are made of or why the rocks and beach sit as they do.
You like what it does to your senses. You just don’t know the technical details.
What does this copy look like?
Well, let me tell you.
Did you see it?
No? Did you blink and miss it? Did you not sense what was happening to you?
Let’s try it again.
Did you see it that time?
Let’s put you out of your misery.
And you can’t say I’m not generous with the free stuff. I mean that’s THREE examples right there.
The answer is staring you in the face. (That’s FOUR, by the way).
Transition copy just sneaks up on you.
It’s so natural. So conversational. So like life.
That’s why it’s so brilliant for marketing. But you may be champing at the bit to know where the heck those three (no FOUR) transition suckers were hiding up above.
Let me help you. (That’s five, by the way).
Transition copy is the short sentence which neatly gets people reading from one line to the next. Par to next par.
The examples you may have spotted (or missed) were as follows.
“Well, let me tell you.”
“Let’s try it again.”
“Let’s put you out of your misery.”
“The answer is staring you in the face.”
Do you see what all these short lines have in common (besides being short, smart alec)?
When you read the line it makes you curious. It makes you want to read the next line.
They help the page to flow, like the water on the tide. In and out. Each wave bringing the promise of a shift in the sands or a new discovery on the shore.
Can you hear the waves? Can you smell that sea air? Can you feel your feet in the sand?
Transition copy appeals to the senses.
Take a look at more examples:
– Here’s the truth.
– Far from it.
– Here’s why.
– This is what caught my attention.
– Chances are it’s a mistake.
– Let me tell you why.
– Well, the reason is simple.
– The big question is…
– Think twice before you do.
– You see what’s going on here…
– But here’s the catch…
– In fact, I guarantee it.
– I know, it sounds ridiculous
You get the picture (another example, by the way).
These are all examples of TRANSITION copy.
They are very common in longer copy, such as sales pages, but also of value in web pages, sales letters, emails and other content or promotional writing.
- These short sentences are REALLY useful because they:
Help to guide the reader from start to finish
Provide a smooth link from one line to the next
Create visual ‘white space’ around longer paragraphs – more appealing to the eye
Make your copy sound more natural, more conversational
Help to set the tone and pace of your copy – for added richness, texture and drama
See how you can introduce transition copy into your marketing efforts.
Or if you’d like an expert to show you how (or write it for you), you know who’s here to help.