Hiding behind the Facade

Facade Marketing

Do you know where this picture is taken?

It features one of this UK city’s top tourist attractions.

Yes, it’s the Royal Crescent in Bath. In the south west of the country.

Now, if you’re a resident or if you’ve visited this beautiful city you will know that 97 per cent of tourists who make their way up the hilled streets to this location do one of two things (or both).

They either (a) walk along the crescent, occasionally looking at this classic curve of Georgian housing or (b) stop on the corner of the crescent or the park and take a photo, then head back down the hill to the next attraction.

Unless on a guided tour or the discerning visitor does a little research themselves, the people leave without knowing a little secret about this place.

So, let me let you in on the secret.

What you see in the Royal Crescent is not what it first appears.

The impression you are given is of a row of uniformly sized and designed apartments. A misleading impression. Because some homes take up two “spaces” not one. And the deception doesn’t end there.

When the Crescent was created, the facades were built first and in a consistent style. So, from the front, it all looks uniform.

If you sneaked around the back of the Royal Crescent you’d notice a very different picture. And there’s a good reason for that. Each property owner was given their facade and the freedom to choose their own architect to create the home they wanted behind.

As you know, everyone is different and has different tastes. So the homes behind the facade of the Royal Crescent were built in different heights and sizes.

What you see from the front is an illusion.

A bit like some the businesses out there today. Hiding behind a facade.

Not getting the results they want yet not coming forward and asking for help.

Not facing up to the fact that their marketing is not working as well as it should. Or not working at all. The marketing, as the Americans might say, “sucks”.

Instead, the businesses hide behind the facade. Pretend nothing’s wrong. Stick their head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich.

Believe (despite what their numbers are telling them – if they bother to look) that if they just carry on doing what they are doing then success will come. Not much different to buying a scratch card or lottery ticket and hoping. Praying.

What usually occurs is one of the following eight approaches:

1. Single Shot Marketing: Try a new advert or sales letter and hope it works (not knowing if it’s worked or what to send next)

2. Have A Go Hero Marketing: Write your own marketing and advertising because DIY is the cheap option. Or so you believe.

3. Cash Machine Marketing: Chuck money at it. Keep chucking money at it. The more you spend the better your chance of success, right?

4. Magpie Marketing: – Focus on getting shiny new clients because that’s what everyone says to do. Lots of new offers to distract but no follow-up.

5. Back of The Envelope Marketing: Marketing with no planning or little planning. It will all work out somehow, won’t it?

6. Ostrich Marketing: Marketing and advertising activity without asking for expert help. When trouble arises the head just dives straight into the sand.

7. Social Media Mania Marketing: Spend hours and hours and endless cash on this because “everyone is doing it”. No other reason.

8. Man On The Moon Marketing: Doing marketing and not knowing if it’s even working for you.

Meanwhile, the pretence and illusion out front remains the same.

“How’s business?”

“Yeah, good thanks”

Which is masking the truth behind. Maybe one or more of the following…

“Not good, I’m struggling.”

“I’m spending a fortune on marketing but not made a penny on it.”

“Ok but [with the quality of my product/service] it should be much better.”

“If I knew what I was doing with my marketing it would be easier.”

“Don’t ask!”

“Just not making any headway this year. I want to scale the business but it’s just not happening.”

Sure, to make that happen you need sales.

And, of course, what helps create the sales is marketing.

The better your marketing, the better your sales (providing you have a great product or service, systems in place and super customer service as well).

If your business has a facade like the Royal Crescent in Bath – it’s time to take a closer look behind the scenes.

Maybe time to ask for help with your marketing from someone who can be the architect of results which might bring a smile to your face. A genuine smile, front to back.

Ready to talk?

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