
You missed out!

STORY CLUB with Gary Spinks

As you see others express what they do with self-assured
clarity and confidence, you wonder:

“Why can’t I talk about my business like that?”

You know you’re good at what you do. You can do that in your sleep, for goodness sake.

But working out how to describe your business, define what makes you unique or special, or come up with that memorable slogan or tagline? That’s got you all in a tongue-tied twist.

You have a great story to tell or simply want to tell more stories to more people.

It’s time to get clear on your message and get your story out there.

Join Story Club
Discover How to Master Effective
Storytelling for Business

A unique membership community to help you:

Get Clarity of Message.

Get Consistent with Content.

Get the Sales Conversions you Deserve.

Your 2021 membership includes a Mini Course in Storytelling for Business, a Slack-based community, weekly inspiration and tips, and discounted access to Training Workshops, Personalised Storytelling Coaching and Brand Story Support.

Make 2021 your Year of Clarity and Feel the Difference
(inside you... and in your bank account)

Join a Membership designed for you - and shaped by you:

  • A Mini Course in Storytelling for Business - the essential framework for both your brand story and business-minded storytelling
  • A cosy Members Only Slack Community - the place to share conversations, questions and success stories with people who want the same as you.
  • Weekly Tips and Inspiration - grow your bag of story tricks, gain confidence and stay motivated with a regular fresh splash of Gary’s wisdom.
  • Training Workshop Discounts - save up to 30 per cent off one or all tailored events run by Gary during the year. You choose what to attend and pay as you go.
  • Coaching and Mentoring with Gary Spinks - get discounted access to 1:1 and small group (2 to 6 people) support with Story Club’s Chief Storyteller.
  • Monthly 60-minute FAQs Sessions (Founder PLUS Members ONLY) - the place to get your storytelling questions answered with Gary.

You Already Have a Brand Story Out There
(Only you might NOT be the one telling it)

Whether you’ve created a brand or not, here’s the thing designers won’t tell you.

Your brand is NOT your logo, colours or style of font.

Your brand is the story of how people see and perceive you - that includes your products, your services and how you serve.

The buyer decides what your brand means.

If you don’t tell your story clearly, share values-based stories of value, or get your message across - people will make it up in their own minds.

Effective storytelling puts you firmly in the driving seat for where you want to go.

Once you know how to use story, you can apply it to any aspect of your sales, marketing and content creation activity...

Be ready to explore the spellbinding
Power of Storytelling for Business

Story Club gives you:

  • The science and the why behind why stories work
  • A framework for developing your brand story
  • A structure for telling stories for business
  • Principles you can apply to print, online and public speaking
  • Tips on how to craft, refine and improve your stories
  • A safe and supportive space to practise your storytelling
  • Discounted ‘Pay as You Go’ training workshops and sessions
  • Flexible support - simply tap into what you need, when you need it
  • The chance to go at your own pace throughout 2021

Story Club will offer you at least SIX online Training Workshops through the year (at discounted rates)

And members get to help shape the content and focus.

Take your pick from:

• Building your Brand Story
• How to Tell Stories for Business
• The Story Matrix (How to Never Run Out of Stories to Share)
• The Storytelling Mastermind
• Creating a story-based Website
• Get It Done Days
• Breakthrough Sessions
• The Storytellers Retreat
• Get Your Story Straight (story planning for 2022)

We’ll work out the dates and details together.

Right now, your only decision is which membership you choose...

Only Pay for What You Want or Need
Compare 2021 Membership Options

Membership Benefits





Membership ends

31 December 2021

31 December 2021

Mini Course on Story



Weekly Tips & Inspiration



Online Community



Discounts on Training

15 Percent

30 Percent

Discount on Coaching

5 Percent

15 Percent

Monthly FAQ Sessions



Choose Your Membership Package


“I’m ready to get clear with story”

Get access for the year


Just the Essentials


“I’m ready to get clear with story”

Get access for the year


I Want a Bit More

One-off Membership Fee. Pay Once and You’re Covered for the Year.
NO Recurring Subscription Fees. NO obligation to attend Training Events.

Apply the Power of Storytelling How, Where and When You Need it Most 

  • Websites
  • eBooks
  • Lead Magnets
  • Sales Pages
  • Landing Pages
  • Emails
  • Social Media Posts
  • Content Marketing
  • Presentations
  • Public Speaking
  • Training Sessions
  • Workshops
  • Networking
  • Sales Letters
  • Adverts
  • Case Studies
  • Testimonials
  • Videos

Stories Work and Life Keeps Proving One Thing:
The Best Stories Win

Story works.

Neuroscience explains why: the human brain is hard-wired for story.

It’s why we ignore dull and familiar-looking websites.

It’s why we lose interest in - or even fall asleep during - bland PowerPoint presentations.

It’s why we feel a connection with some, but not with others.

When the story matches with our story we become attracted like bees to a pot of sweet golden honey.

You don’t have to be the most talented, most loud, most outrageous, or most entrepreneurial person to be successful.

You just have to be a great storyteller.

And tell the best stories.

The art of how to do that is covered when you belong to Story Club.

Choose Your Membership Package


“I’m ready to get clear with story”

Get access for the year


Just the Essentials


“I’m ready to get clear with story”

Get access for the year


I Want a Bit More

One-off Membership Fee. Pay Once and You’re Covered for the Year.
NO Recurring Subscription Fees. NO obligation to attend Training Events.

It’s Time to End that Icky Feeling of
Confusion, Dread or Overwhelm

How much more agony, angst and anxiety are you going to endure in trying to get your message right?

How many days, weeks or months have you already spent over your USP, elevator pitch, captivating introduction or back story?

How many brilliant stories are you holding back from your audience because it’s easier to let them gather dust in your mind than work out how to tell them?

Story Club understands where you are - and where you want to go.


This is what people are Telling Story Club about their challenges with Storytelling for Business

They are saying:

“I just feel a bit overwhelmed with where to start and how to structure the story.”

“I already use stories but not every effectively.”

“I want to have more stories to share consistently.”

“I don’t know what story for business means.”

“I’m not a good storyteller.”

“I don’t have a strong back story.”

“I’m not sure what stories to use where.”

“My biggest challenge is knowing how to do it (storytelling) in a non-cheesy way.”

“I struggle to think up good stories to share.”

“I am feeling vulnerable about sharing personal experiences.”

“I am not sure how well my stories are received.”

“I’m quite creative but feel I could go off on a tangent and it wouldn’t be working for my clients.”

“The challenge for me is using stories that reflect me and finding the right words for them.”

“The tricky bit is knowing exactly what to leave in and what not to share, or getting the right tone.”

“I want to make it (sound) authentic (not ‘marketing speak’)”

Story Club is geared to help you overcome the barriers to your story and business success.

Story Club Has You Covered

Story Club aims to help you:

  • Get your unique message out there, with confidence and clarity
  • Understand your audience and connect more strongly with your tribe
  • Present products and services without ‘cheesy’ hype or jargon-loaded lingo
  • Be authentic and naturally persuasive
  • Avoid sounding dull, boring or ‘just like everyone else in your industry’
  • Develop a consistent (brand) voice in alignment with who you are
  • Attract more of the right people to you - and improve your sales.

Story Club is for you, whether you are just starting out or well-established.

Story Club is for you, whether you are already using stories for business or unsure what ‘story for business’ even means.

Story Club is for you, whether you want to go as fast as a Cheetah or as slow as a turtle. 

Story Club is for you, whether you want to take a deep dive or simply dip your toe in the waters of a warm, golden sandy shore.

Story Club is for you if you love the idea of little wins or fancy a big fat juicy one.


Imagine having your very own signature story - that has people entranced from start to finish.

Imagine you on stage, soaking up a standing ovation or wild applause from the audience.

Imagine your website attracting not just nice comments - but enquiries as well.

Imagine creating your first ever video story and feeling that mix of relief and elation.

Imagine the day when you can say, hand on heart, “I have enough content ideas to last me a lifetime”

When you know about story and how to use it for business, all of that is possible.

Meet Your Storytelling Guide

Gary Spinks

Hi, Gary here.

Neuroscientific research tells us story works. But we also know it in our selves.

Think of your favourite book. Your favourite film. Your favourite soap or TV drama.

They have you hooked, from start to finish. They hold your attention. They cause your deep emotions to rise and fall. You can’t stop talking about them or recommending them to others.

That’s the power of great storytelling.

The art of ‘How’ is what you’ll discover as part of Story Club.

You’ll have me as your guide.

My professional career of 30+ years includes times as a journalist, education correspondent, reporter, travel writer, trainer, coach, presenter, mentor, marketer, copywriter and story-based marketing consultant.

Finding, creating and telling stories has been at the heart of my livelihood.

If you’re open to the idea that storytelling can be good (actually, very good) for business, I think you’ll enjoy this experience and discover how easy it can be - once you know how.

I’ll be sharing examples from my own life and the world around us - because my story is still evolving, too.

Any excuse and I’ll be talking Hitchcock and Harry Potter, The Crown, Star Wars, The Wizard of Oz, Fawlty Towers and Father Ted, Only Fools and Horses, Lord of the Rings, Jo Nesbo and Jack Reacher, Sherlock and Shylock, Morse and Mad Men, Michael Palin and The Marvelous Mrs Maisel... and Love Actually and more.

Gary Spinks

Spoiler Alert #1:
There Will be Some Rough Edges

During 2021, Story Club is in what they call ‘beta testing’ mode.

That means it may not be all glossy, super slick and shiny. (Hence the low membership price).

Rest assured, Story Club will deliver on content and learning quality. It’s a bit like the Forth Road Bridge - solid and secure but in need of a lick of paint every now and again.

And as with any beta test, it’s a two-way street.

I give you the training. You give me the feedback.

This helps me to adapt, refine and fine-tune Story Club for those who follow in your footsteps.

Spoiler Alert #2:
You Will Be Shown How to Talk Short

When you hear things like “People have short attention spans” or “People don’t read long copy” - just ignore it.
It’s ill-informed nonsense.

That doesn’t mean to say it’s not useful to know how to keep things brief. Quick. Concise. Cursory. Fleeting. Tight. Essential. Skinny. Light. Bold. Brassy.

In other words, short.

If you were wanting the ‘Here are Testimonials for Gary’s work’ thing you might read about clients who said of me:

“From now on, you’re doing all my sales pages”. 

“I took your advice... this is MUCH better and more compelling!”

“You transformed everything, listening and doing my write up was magnificent. Thank you for making my dream come true.”

“I wanted to purchase my own course after reading your copy.”

“The best investment I have made in years”. 

Or you could just read them book-blurb style: 

“Brilliant job.”

“Excellent communication and focus”.


“All I can say is WOW!”


(And all of the above would be true - they’re genuine words from real clients)

Enough about me. Let’s talk about you...

Choose Your Membership Package


“I’m ready to get clear with story”

Get access for the year


Just the Essentials


“I’m ready to get clear with story”

Get access for the year


I Want a Bit More

One-off Membership Fee. Pay Once and You’re Covered for the Year.
NO Recurring Subscription Fees. NO obligation to attend Training Events.

But Hurry!
The Doors to Story Club Are Closing

Become a member today and your membership runs all the way through until the end of this year.

So, whether you’re ready to start now or might want a hand in a couple of months or more, at this price it’s still worth joining now.

(Non-members can still attend my training events and access my support - but they’ll be paying FULL price, not the membership discount rates).

But, this is a time-limited deal.

The doors to Story Club will close at midnight (UK time) on Sunday 31st January.

The membership won’t reopen again until summer 2021 (and that second phase still only lasts until the end of December for the same price as now... so it represents much better value if you act in Jan).


How much time will Story Club take?

Story Club is not a course or a race against the clock (although if you want to accelerate your progress it can help with that, too).

Your one-off Membership Fee gives you access throughout 2021 to tips, support and inspiration. The online mini course is drip fed over a number of weeks. You can follow it at your own pace - even leave it to look at later this year or next. It’s yours to keep.

Training workshops or sessions could be anything from 20 minutes to two days. Some free, some paid-for (at discounted member rates, of course). You ‘Pay as You Go’ - which gives you flexibility and choice. You don’t pay for what you don’t need or want.

What do I get with my Story Club membership?

Every member of Story Club gets access to weekly tips and inspiration, a mini course in Storytelling for Business, a members-only online community (Slack), private chat and messaging group (Signal), and discounts on training workshops, events, sessions, and 1:1 and group coaching sessions.

Founder PLUS Membership includes BIGGER discounts and access to the monthly FAQ sessions with Gary (NOT available to Founder members without upgrade to PLUS).

What’s the difference between Founder (£36) and Founder PLUS (£97)?

Founder PLUS is for members who know they want the most from the training and support available.

Founder PLUS membership gives you a DOUBLE discount on paid-for training workshops, sessions and events (30% discount compared to 15% off for Founder members).

Founder PLUS membership gives you a TRIPLE discount on coaching and mentoring sessions with Gary (15% discount compared to 5% off for Founders).

Founder PLUS membership gives you access to 10 monthly 60-minute FAQ sessions with Gary during 2021.

Are the training workshops free?

With Story Club, many of the resources and some training sessions will be free with your membership.

The six online Training Workshops through the year, however, will be paid-for events, open to all. The difference is, for Story Club members they get discounted tickets (15% off for Founder members, 30% off for Founder PLUS).

It’s like ‘pay as you go’. You participate in what training you want. You only pay for what you attend. The more you take part, the more you save and the more value you get.

How much can I save with my member discounts?

The more you use Story Club, the more you will save - especially with Founder PLUS.

Let’s take training events. As an example, say the standard (non-member) ticket price was £97 (it could be less, it could be more, depending on the type of event). Instead of £97, as a Founder Member you pay £82 (saving £15), Founder PLUS only £67 (saving £30).

After attending two or three events, the savings would cover your membership fee alone (and that’s without all the other benefits of membership you have).

A private Storytelling for Business coaching session with Gary is usually £80 per hour. For a Founder Member it’s £76 (save £4 per hour), for Founder PLUS it’s only £68 (save £12 per hour). Invest in a package of coaching sessions with Gary, and a Founder PLUS member could save between £48 and £160 on the standard price.

As you can see, the more you use Story Club the higher the value from it.

Can I invite a friend or colleague to join Story Club?

Yes, absolutely. Simply send them to this page or ask them to get in touch direct with Gary Spinks.

Will this offer really close on 31st January 2021?

Yes. The doors to Story Club will shut at midnight on Sunday, 31st January. They will not reopen before summer 2021, to allow Gary to focus on supporting his first Founder and Founder PLUS members.

If you want to get to grips with effective storytelling for business - and achieve clarity, consistency and higher conversions this year - best to join now.

Copyright 2021 - Gary Spinks